....The "Fuel Oil Processing Plant" project in Dzerzhinsk wast transferred to the state expertise..Proiectul din Dzerzhinsk transmis catre autoritati in vederea expertizarii....
/....Local media reported that JSC SPE "Makston-Dzerzhinsk" handed over to state expertise the project of the plant for processing of heavy oil residues in Dzerzhinsk (Nizhny Novgorod region). ..Presa locala a raportat ca JSC SPE "Makston-Dzerzhinsk" a predat expertizei de stat proiectul instalatiei pentru prelucrarea reziduurilor de petrol greu din Dzerjinsk (regiunea Nizhny Novgorod). ....
....Recall that the agreement on the project was signed in September 2017. It is expected that by 2019 the company will invest 5 billion rubles in the construction of a plant for the processing of heavy oil residues. The plant will produce special coke for the metallurgical, nuclear and electrode industries. ..Reamintim ca acordul privind proiectul a fost semnat in septembrie 2017. Este de asteptat ca pâna in 2019 compania sa investeasca 5 miliarde de ruble in constructia unei instalatii pentru prelucrarea reziduurilor de titei greu. Fabrica va produce cocs special pentru industria metalurgica, nucleara si a electrozilor. ....
....The capacity of the new plant will be 200 thousand tons per year for raw materials. The production facilities will include steam reforming units, delayed coking, gas fractionation, heavy naphtha hydrotreatment and coking diesel, desulphurization of gases, demercaptanization of light naphtha, plant facilities. ..Capacitatea noii fabrici va fi de 200 mii tone pe an pentru materiile prime. Facilitatile de productie vor include unitatile de reformare a aburului, cocsificare intârziata, fractionarea gazelor, hidrotratare nafta si cocsificare diesel, desulfurarea gazelor, demercaptanizarea naftei usoare, si diferite alte facilitati. ....
....Production technologies and basic projects were developed by the Romanian branches of LUDAN Group and GTC companies on the basis of the packages of project documentation of similar installations operated by Eastern Europe. ..Tehnologiile de productie si proiectarea de baza au fost elaborate de sucursalele din Romania ale companiilor LUDAN Group si GTC pe baza pachetelor de documentatie ale proiectelor elaborate pentru instalatii similare operate in Europa de Est. ....
....It is assumed that the plant will be able to completely process the incoming fuel oil of primary and secondary processes, as well as heavy residual hydrocarbons of other processes of oil refining, petrochemistry and coal chemistry. The plant's products will be diesel fuel and motor gasoline of the fifth ecological class (raw materials for reforming or pyrolysis), granulated sulfur and petroleum coke. Production of dark oil products is not planned. The Nelson index will be 7.2. ..Se presupune ca instalatia va fi capabila sa proceseze complet produsele petrolere provenite din procesele primare si secundare, precum si hidrocarburile reziduale grele ale altor procese de rafinare a petrolului, petrochimie si producerea carbunelui. Produsele obtinute in aceasta fabrica vor fi benina si motorina din clasa a cincea ecologica (materii prime pentru reformare sau piroliza), sulf granulat si cocs de petrol. Nu este planificata productia de produse petroliere precum pacura. Indicele Nelson va fi de 7,2. ....
....The general designer is OOO "Ludan Rus" (part of the LUDAN Group), the company will also carry out design work, prepare a project for a process control system. Development of the master plan and project documentation is carried out by OAO GIPROIV. He is also responsible for the maintenance of equipment supplies. ..Proiectantul general este OOO "Ludan Rusia" (parte a grupului LUDAN), compania va realiza, de asemenea, lucrari de proiectare si va pregati un proiect pentru sistemul de control al proceselor. Elaborarea planului general si a documentatiei de proiect este realizata de OAO GIPROIV. OAO GIPROIV, este de asemenea, responsabila pentru mentenanta echipamentului furnizat. ....
....Original article can be found here..Articolul original poate fi gasit aici
....Photo from the site..fotografie preluata de la....: https://news.sputnik.ru