....Successful EPCM project for a New Grain Terminal for CHIMPEX in Constanta harbor, Romania..Proiect EPCM de success “Terminal de grane 200000 mt” Constanta port, beneficiar CHIMPEX / AMEROPA. ....
/....Chimpex, an Ameropa subsidiary based in Constanta Romania build a new grain terminal. The new state-of-the-art terminal has an operating capacity of over 3.5 million tons of grains per year (wheat, barley, corn, rapeseed, sunflower, etc.) and will allow simultaneous unloading from trains, trucks, barges and loading to PANAMAX vessels up to 63,000 tons. The terminal has a storage capacity of 200,000 tonnes on 20 vertical cells, can receive cargo by barge 400 Mt/h, rail 400 Mt/h, truck 2x 400 Mt/h, and has a vessel loading rate of 2 x 800 tonnes per hour. ..Chimpex, parte a grupului Ameropa a construit un nou terminal de cereal in Constanta Roamania. Noul terminal este unul de ultima generatie si are o capacitate de functionare de peste 3,5 milioane de tone de cereale pe an (grâu, orz, porumb, rapita, floarea-soarelui etc.), permitand descarcarea simultana de la trenuri, camioane, barje si incarcare la navele PANAMAX de pâna la 63.000 de tone. Terminalul are o capacitate de stocare de 200.000 de tone in 20 de celule verticale, poate primi incarcatura cu barja 400 Mt / h, feroviar 400 Mt / h, camion 2 x 400 Mt / h si are o rata de incarcare a navelor de 2 x 800 tone pe ora. ....
....This terminal provides best-in-class services to its customers, protect the environment, ensure a safe working environment for its employees and boasts lots of modern technology and automation. ..Acest terminal ofera clientilor cele mai bune servicii de pe piata, protejeaza mediul, asigura un mediu de lucru sigur pentru angajatii sai si dispune de o multime de tehnologii moderne si de automatizare. ....
....LUDAN Engineering SRL, has successfully carried out the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) project. By executing this technically challenging project, our engineers have even further strengthened the know-how for agro sector putting us in the pole position amongst the Eastern European Companies serving the process industry. ..LUDAN Engineering SRL, a realizat cu succes patea de Inginerie, Achizitii si Management al lucrarilor de constructii (EPCM). Prin realizarea acestui proiect provocator din punct de vedere tehnic, inginerii nostri au consolidat si mai mult know-how-ul pentru sectorul agroalimentar, plasându-ne pe o pozitie fruntasa l in rândul companiilor din Europa de Est care deservesc industria prelucratoare. ....