....Advances in Process Control. A veteran practitioner’s opinions - by Radu Iscovici..Progrese in controlul proceselor. Opiniile unui veteran practicant - de Radu Iscovici....

....Production facilities in heavy process industries like oil and gas extraction, oil refining, petrochemical, basic chemical production,metallurgy etc.are monitored and controlled by modern Distributed Control Systems-DCS. ..Instalatiile de productie din industria grea, cum ar fi extractia de petrol si gaze, rafinarea petrolului, petrochimia, productia chimica de baza, metalurgia etc. sunt monitorizate si controlate de sistemele moderne de distributie control-DCS. ....

....These process control systems have hundreds and sometimes even thousands of control loops. ..Aceste sisteme de control al procesului au sute si chiar mii de bucle de control. ....

....The process is visualized by operators on workstation displays. Have their own displays on engineering stations.  They use them to choose the suitable control algorithm equation for the target loop. Control loop tuning parameters are readily accessed and can be changed instantly. The effect of these changes can be monitored in real-time and adjustments made if necessary. Apparently the situation is very good. However, new complex issues appear. ..Procesul este vizualizat de operatori pe ecranele statiilor de lucru, inginerii avand propriile ecrane pe statiile de inginerie. Ei le folosesc pentru a alege ecuatia adecvata algoritmului de control pentru bucla tinta. Parametrii de reglare a buclei de control sunt usor accesibili si pot fi modificati instantaneu. Efectul acestor modificari poate fi monitorizat in timp real si daca este necesar facute ajustari. Aparent, situatia este foarte buna. Cu toate acestea, apar noi probleme complexe. ....


....Many problems plaguing good process control have their roots in measuring sensors and final control elements (FCE-valves, motors, dampers etc.) misbehavior, even though much progress was recorded in this area. ..Multe probleme care afecteaza un proces de control bun isi au radacinile in proasta functionare a instrumentelor de masura si a elementelor de control finale (ventile de control motoare, clapeti etc.), chiar daca s-au inregistrat multe progrese in acest domeniu. ....

....Two remarks:..Doua observatii....

  • ....The large amount of more or less sophisticated control schemes and control algorithm equations, and their parameters and constants make their selection quite difficult without proper knowledge and/or matching tools. ..Cantitatea mare de scheme de control mai mult sau mai putin sophisticate si ecuatiile algoritmilor de control, precum si parametrii si constantele acestora fac ca selectia lor sa fie destul de dificila fara cunostiinte adecvate si / sau instrumente potrivite. ....
  • ....The DCS is more than a control platform. It has the capability to supply an impressive amount of information about the industrial process state and also the equipment state including measuring devices and final control elements. ..DCS-ul este mai mult decat o platforma de control. Acesta are capacitatea de a furniza o cantitate impresionanta de informatii despre starea procesului industrial si despre starea echipamentului, incluzand dispozitive de masurare si elemente de control finale. ....

....The issue evolved from an historical lack of information into a flood of data. These data must be collected, processed, configured and prioritized in order to be transformed into useful information for the potential information clients: operations engineers, process engineers, maintenance specialists and management. ..Problemele au evoluat de la o lipsa istorica a informatiilor relevante la un aflux enorm de date. Aceste date trebuie sa fie colectate, prelucrate, configurate si prioritizate pentru a fi transformate in informatii utile pentru consumatorii potentiali de informare: ingineri operatori, ingineri de proces, specialisti in mentenanta si management. ....

....To add to the above issues, the process control personnel was dramatically reduced in most industries all over the world, either by outsourcing jobs, or by promoting specialist to higher managerial positions. Newcomers entering the area do not possess the necessary knowledge, experience and cannot acquire them due to lack of mentoring. ..Pentru a mai adauga si mai multe  probleme la cele de mai sus, personalul responsabil cu partea de control al proceselor a fost dramatic redus in majoritatea industriilor la nivel global, fie prin externalizarea locurilor de munca, fie prin promovarea specialistilor in functii de conducere superioare. Noii veniti care intra in domeniu nu poseda cunostintele si experienta necesara si nici nu le pot dobandi din cauza lipsei indrumarii unor mentori. ....


....Fortunately, there are solutions to the issues mentioned above. Last generation software tools are developed and constantly improved based on the IT rapid progress  but, more important, on embedding the experts knowledge and experience in the area of process control. ..Din fericire, exista solutii la problemele mentionate mai sus. Instrumentele software de ultima generatie sunt dezvoltate si imbunatatite in mod constant pe baza progresului rapid al tehnologiilor informationale, dar, mai important, prin includerea cunostintelor si experientei specialistilor in domeniul controlului proceselor. ....

....These tools help operations engineers solve quickly control loops issues resulting from inherent industrial process varying conditions. Also, these tools diagnose the status of sensors and FCEs and predict possible failures which is valuable information for maintenance technicians. ..Aceste instrumente ajuta inginerii operatori sa rezolve rapid problemele legate de buclele de control care rezulta din variatiile inerente ale conditiilor proceselor industriale. De asemenea, aceste instrumente detecteaza starea instrumentelor de masura si a elementelor finale de control prezicand eventualele defectiuni, cee ace reprezinta informatii valoroase pentru tehnicienii responsabili de mentenanta. ....

....Moreover, a process control training course was developed using these software tools. The course utilizes a practical, hands-on approach. No theoretical backgroundor high-level mathematical knowledge needed. ..Mai mult, a fost dezvoltat un curs de pregatire pentru controlul proceselor folosind aceste instrumente software. Cursul foloseste o abordare practica, nefiind nevoie de cunostinte teoretice  sau de matematici superioare. ....

....These solutions are provided by  Control Station Inc.:..Aceste solutii sunt oferite de Control Station Inc.:....


....represented  in Eastern Europe by Ludan Engineering SRL:..reprezentati in Europa de Est de Ludan Engineering SRL....


....The solutions include Plant ESP (Control Loop Performance Monitoring -CLPM-Suite), Loop-PRO (the top suite for loop tuning according to Control Magasine) and also the very popularPractical Process Control trening course. ..Printre solutii se numara Plant ESP (Monitorizarea Performantei Buclelor de Control - CLPM-Suite), Loop-PRO (suita de top pentru reglarea buclelor in conformitate cu Control Magasine) si, de asemenea cursul foarte popular “Practical Process Control”. ....